Friday, January 31, 2020

Power of sound and words

There is power in words and sounds. Affirmations and spells require you need to be mindful of the words you choice and use. Use positive instead of negative words. Mantras and songs are similar in their power. (Shanti for peace is less physically explosive in sound.) January moon I handed out mantras to try and see how they impact your life. Feel free to find others. I have done prayers for years with meditation and while driving, walking, rocking babies, dealing with cancer, holding sick friends and kids. Some goddesses have mantras associated with them---especially Asian/Indian ones. Find one that suits you or what you want. Put it on a notecard and recite frequently. Put it on your mirror. Find a way to incorporate the some or mantra. I have many CDs because I love the chanting and songs. If you want to check any out, please let me know.

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