Thursday, March 19, 2020


What do you believe? Truly, deeply believe? Is it your belief or is it based on something someone else told you? Parents? Clergy? Media? What are your limitations as a result of those beliefs? The first writing topic I give my students: If you could do anything (without limitations or restrictions of time, space, skills), what would you do? Travel to another place and time? Meet someone? Who? When? Where? Create a list of at least 10 things you would want to do without restrictions. Then choose one. What is currently holding you back? Write down all the ways to do it--whatever "it" is. Want to travel? What's keeping you from doing it? Money? There are ways to travel and stay on people's couches. Time? Do a day trip to someplace new? History buff? What's a historical place nearby you can visit? Love animals? Where can you go to visit new animals? Zoo? Nature preserve? Animal sanctuary? What resources are available to you? Is there a person you can visit or talk with who can help you with this skill? Why do you think you can't do this? Who told you you can't do it? A friend of mine was singing while cleaning her house for a party. I walked into the same room, and she stopped. I asked her why. She said she was told she couldn't sing. I asked for details. Turns out when she was in middle school and in choir, she was feeling under the weather. So, in choir, she mouthed words instead of singing since she knew her voice was off. The teacher saw she was mouthing and made her stand and sing in front of the class. When her voice cracked, the teacher mocked her in front of the class and told her to not sing another word. As a result, she didn't sing in public again. She let some bitch tell her she couldn't sing when she knew her voice wasn't in good condition. She let that teacher influence her joy in singing. I held that mirror up to her. She realized she let one person negatively impact her life. She let go of that negative belief and really listened to her voice as she sang. She wasn't making "a joyful noise." She has a beautiful voice. Since then, she has sung at many public events and to her daughter. You choose your limitations. What are you choosing? Why? What purpose does that limit serve you? Are you protecting yourself or others? What would you realize about yourself if you tried to do more, be more?

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