Friday, March 20, 2020

Favorite quote

Do you have a book or story you love? Why? Do you have a favorite quote or passage? Write it down. Review it. Why do you love it? Hate it? Why are you impacted by it? Later in life I was introduced to Dune by Frank Herbert by someone very important to my life. A popular quote from the book: "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me." I have that quote posted in my bedroom because there were days I couldn't move out of that room or couldn't go to sleep at night because of the worry and fear that was paralyzing me. I would read this quote over and over until I felt calm. Then I would list out all the things I feared. Then I would decide what was rational and what wasn't. What could I control? What was out of my control? The Serenity prayer would help, too: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." Sometimes, I had to have the courage to cut people out of my life who served pain and not help to me and my family. Sometimes I had habits that were not helpful. They may not have been harmful, but they weren't positively serving me either. What are you afraid of? What fears are overtaking you at this time? Are they real? Why do you think that? Do you have other resources available to you? Do you fear running out of something? What? Do you have access? What are other ways to getting items? Are you afraid of being alone--with yourself or with your thoughts? Can you call someone for support? Are you afraid to be alone with someone who is abusive or needy? Who are in your support system? Are you afraid to be alone with children? Look for activities to do that help you all grow as individuals. Are you afraid to be with someone who is medically in need? Who do you have for support? Do you have an online doctor/nurse you can call if there's an emergency? Do you have an emergency plan in place? Is this situation causing you to re-evaluate your fears and systems in place to handle those fears? What other books and quotes are helping you in times of uncertainty?

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